Friday, November 22, 2013


The recent destruction of the Philippines reminded me of our past history with them. It goes without saying that our occupation of the Philippines was one of our more darker periods in what would be our try at imperialism. At the end of all that misery, we went our separate ways and they got independence. However despite that, the Philippines, at least now, doesn't seem to hold a huge grudge against us despite the atrocities. What has happened since then? Perhaps we apologized awhile ago and they forgave. Who knows.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick,

    there's probably not a grudge because of the close bonds our two societies have formed. The Philippines adopted many aspects of American culture and government. In addition, there is a huge filipino population here which I'm sure must lobby their elected representatives towards friendlier relations with the Philippines. In addition, America has a strong economic and strategic interest in keeping Filipinos support. For one, both countries are looking to counter China's growing power. In addition, both countries have also seen the effects of Islamic terrorist groups. These two major strategic goals for both countries probably keeps them in a good relationship.
